Cuisine Definition Oxford English Dictionary
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a style or quality of cooking; cookery: Italian cuisine; This restaurant has an excellent cuisine.
Archaic. the kitchen or culinary department of a house, hotel, etc.
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Origin of cuisine
1475–85; <French: literally, kitchen <Vulgar Latin *cocīna, for Latin coquīna;see kitchen
Words nearby cuisine
cuirassier, cuir-bouilli, cuirie, Cuisenaire rod, Cuisinart, cuisine, cuisine minceur, cuisinier, cuisinière, cuisse, cuitlacoche Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021
How to use cuisine in a sentence
Although these chains, due to sheer size and reach, are often representing certain dishes or cuisines to large swaths of people — sometimes for the first or only time — they do very little to contextualize the foods they serve.
At his Seattle restaurant, Addo, the menu, cuisine, and concept change constantly.
This means that despite the displacement of working-class communities in a gentrifying area, the original cuisine can remain.
Sometimes new residents and investors embrace the local culture, art, music, and cuisine.
It's easy to go out and find a book written by your favorite chef, catering to the fad diet that you're trying out this month, or introducing a cuisine you'd like to explore.
The possibilities of the types of cuisine that can be made are endless once you turn pot into butter (or oil) to cook with.
Ferris credits her books Louisiana Cookery (1954) and New Orleans Cuisine (1969) as exemplars of diligent reporting and research.
Pamplona is a vibrant modern city that takes care to preserve the traditions of Navarre culture and cuisine.
Twenty years ago it would have been laughable to believe that English provincial cuisine could match French provincial cuisine.
His examples include the expressions 'coitron de la cuisine,' and 'un quistroun de sa quisyne.'
A poverty of cuisine would have provoked no contrast, and one irony the less would have been offered up to the gods that season.
Hilda |Sarah Jeanette Duncan
And, let me tell you, the rural cuisine of France far excels the civic cuisine that we sometimes meet with out of France.
He tells a story of Strozzi himself, from which it appears that his jests lay a good deal in the line of the cuisine.
Poultry and hens eggs were late additions to the human cuisine, in spite of the large part they now play in our dietary.
British Dictionary definitions for cuisine
a style or manner of cooking French cuisine
the food prepared by a restaurant, household, etc
Word Origin for cuisine
C18: from French, literally: kitchen, from Late Latin coquīna, from Latin coquere to cook
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Cuisine Definition Oxford English Dictionary
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